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SNSD is loved by me!
I like to talk.loudly.
Chinese Drama

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-Cyndi Wang,Angela Zhang,Barbie Hsu,Rainie Yang...
-Wu Chun,Ethan Ruan,Mike He...
-Justin Bieber
<3 Family&Friends
<3 My INDIAN & EUROPE Kingdom
<3 2Gralex forever

~Reunion forever
~ALWAYS 3.2 n above gpa
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Marcus Han

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Week3 of sch
Oh wow ok. I Thot I blogged abt this alr! Hahahas ok so erm yea I can't rmb much D: except for Friday. When I was like super depressed over cca. Oh n I was quite pissed n Wth -_- in that week. Erm ok I hope nobody sees this...the competitiveness for cny deco. N performance...=.=... Like srsly diaoz. Ok n then the name debate thingy... Wa seriously lurh. But I found new friends thanks to that^^ hahahasXD erm yea I'm really ahma. Can't rmb much abt the start of the week so forget it! Hahas ok shall post abt cny another time! Anyways I seriously need a mugging day! Argh!>.< but I always fail Oso. So... Yea;((( haizz.... Ok byebye!

Monday, January 23, 2012 , 11:01 AM
Week2 of sch...
This week was generally fine. Mood varied a lot. Was like ok at the start I think. Then halfway I was damn depressed n sad D: Haiz. N then thurs or fri got better... Like this class is... Idk I prefer 2G I guess.. Ok maybe cos we're new lah. But seriously, halfway through I felt damn #sadlife. Like I really dk who n how n all...>.< work was rather ok but I seem to keep failing what I wanna do...:( like today. Cca was rather great n sort of cheered me up instead. Hahas I guess I prefer my cca to class now? Compared to last time how I dislike my cca compared to class... Hahas ok maybe not dislike lah. But still...
Today Was damn awesome!^^ sort of my lucky day. Hehe. At first was really weird n awkward then later it got better n then super awesome but ka boom no reply... Lol. I wanted to finish n do all the work but seem to fail. Still have some undone._. N tmrw got reunion dinner! So jogging canceled n tuition brought forward to super early! Like 9.15am D: gah! How to wake up manx>.< Haiz. Ok gonna chiong tuition hw now! Bye! Cya next week~

Saturday, January 14, 2012 , 8:28 AM
First week of school.
Hi, I'm like in class now, blogging. LOL as in in the classroom lah. It's lunch! Haha didn't go down cos feeling tired n sianz. So yea this post Shld b like dued so long ago!

Last week was like a damn freaking busy week! Had orientation on first two days. First day was erm... Awkward... Not as enthu then okok lor. Aft sch met Jiayi n went to vivo to buy sugar sticks for gifts for cca. But apparently there's no stock. Ok I repeated this for like tons of time but I'm still gonna say it. Candy empire sucks! They called n told us stocks coming in at 6+ or 7+. So either we wait or we go back the next day. So we chose to wait. Then walk arnd, buy stuff to munch n then at 7.30pm... The delivery man came with the boxes n they said they forgot to bring that stock in=.= WALAU EH. Damn piss off sia. Waste my time! reached home like damn freaking late!!!

2nd day orientation was sandcastle building at Ecp. Fun! Hahas though it's damn tiring but I tink it helped alittle in bonding!;P hehe. Then ended n went to meet Jiayi again. Went to bedok point to eat with Vanessa n gengwei. Didn't go vivo in the end. Yanhui n Chen Jing went. We went Sheng shiong to buy sweets n saw lai Yi Lin!!! hehe. Then went back sch n wrap gifts. Then discussed the xiju item with Wang Lu and jin ls until damn late again.like 7 then leave sch...=.= wakao sia. Damn tiring. N finally, thursday was the exhibition... Lessons were ok... More of introductions. Exhibition was okok lurh:x embarrassing much:/ went back at 6.30...parents were sorta late. So abt 7.went back lagoon to eat. OHYA I went to check out the SANDCASTLES! But they were gone;( I think another group went to build that morning...Friday's lesson was ok too. Chem n Geog started lesson alr. There was bio hw>.< cca was okok. Quite embarrassing n awkward too. But I think I've got a really awesome senior;D
My weekends passed damn fast. Did bio but a lot unsure. It was like crapppp!new fridge arrived. N nth much... Today's Monday. Monday blues... Lol. Lessons were ok lah. But boring. Not as interesting as last yr;( I nvr really TOK Oso•.•

Ok that's abt it. Wow I managed to finish blogging such a long post in such a short time span! N with 3%+ of batt! Hahas ok assembly soon... Byeeee~

Sunday, January 8, 2012 , 10:12 PM
Blogging frm my new iphone4s!
Omg hellooooo! There's finally the blogger app!!! So I can blog through my phone alr!!!;P hehe n guess what? I'm using my new phone! Just bought it like the day before yest! iPhone 4s white is damn pretttyyy!!;P anyways since I can blog on my phone now... Shld I stop tumbling my daily stuff? HahahasXD idk eh... Hmm~~~ but what abt last time's posts...?

Monday, January 2, 2012 , 1:20 AM

Tuesday, December 13, 2011 , 3:53 AM
heyy just finished watching eclipse and yea, im in love with twilight saga and Edward<3.
<3 Edward.Bella<3 so yea, have been reading eclipse esp frm abt last thurs to Monday. Real fast this hols. finished the book alr n just finished the movie! bought breaking dawn n shall begin on it soon(: well, i decided to blog cos this week has been an interesting and busy one!

So have been cooped up at home since last thurs. Then Charmaine came over to my house on Monday! watched da wu sheng! its nice!:D n there's not as much opera as i thot...all fighting rather:x but the storyline was nice! hehe then Tuesday went out but wasted the day. wanted to buy new books but went too late n bookshop was closed:( Wednesday had tuition in the early afternoon. then went to klp wif parents to bowl and had dinner @ Peach Garden<3 nice day(: went back to school bookshop on Thursday and yea, was earlier this time so got the books! Then mum n me went to watch the movie, Already Famous by Michelle and xiao gui!^^ with my grandma. while my dad's studying at home. the movie's niceeeeee!!!:P Hehe stayed at home today n woke up real late, then catching up on xing zhou zhi ye. yea, its a real good show(: Anyways, super jealous. tonight and tomorrow night's SNSD concertttt! grrr >.< my stupid "london trip" which is postponed to next year =.= caused me not being able to goooo! hmph >.< have been watching 千金百分百these few days or rather abt a week or so and finished it last night. 40eps. n real complicated n interesting drama. but watch alr very pek chek! hahahasXD

ok i shall stop here~~~ btw, time's flying n its alr 10th dec now!:O abt 20 days more to school reopening...!!!:O D: :(

Friday, December 9, 2011 , 10:02 AM
Taipei Pictures XD
I feel like posting more photos sooooo...~

At taoyuan airport
Found this cute phone at airport!
At Sheraton taipei hotel aft pork chop rice!:P speaking of tat...my mum n me wanted to take taxi to save time. cos wasted time searching for bank to change money but failed alr.then dad wanted take mrt save money =.= then he quite unhappy take taxi i tink. but end up oni alittle bit more exp. n its so near! 5mins reach! then aft we went into the shop, it closed. so like in his face lahhh! if we take taxi confirm not in time to eat lor! the person will tell him dui bu qi, xiu xi le ahahahas
at shilin eating ping tang hu lu!
At ximending ou xiang shop
at xi men ding ou xiang shop. there got lots of stuff!
At the tze char stall~
The food stall n the huge sotong!:O
At ximending eating the whole big SOTONG sliced
At jiufen, grandma's taro balls
At jiufen the fishball soup join

Sunday, November 27, 2011 , 9:19 AM